Want to Improve MacBook Battery Backup? Use These Apps
Apart from being extravagant, MacBook is popular for many reasons and the battery life is one of them. If you are using it continuously, you should get at least five hours of backup. However, if your battery is not working that good and you are getting very less backup than usual, there can be many reasons. To improve your MacBook battery life, we have consolidated some of the best apps those you can install and check your problem. Even though you do not have any problem with your MacBook battery, you can use these apps to measure your battery consumption.
As mentioned earlier, there are some free and paid tools. However, you should them all before opting for a single one.
1] Activity Monitor

Activity Monitor is a simple yet very handy tool that might help you check which app is consuming more battery than usual. This is meaningless to mention that Activity monitor is an inbuilt tool that you can find almost all macOS computers. Not only the most battery consuming apps but also, you can find how much impact an app is having on your battery if an app is preventing your computer from going to sleep, which user account has that app and more others. Apart from that, you can find the uptime of your computer, remaining battery charge and life and so on. All these things are quite easy to detect and you should not find any problem getting any option in this tool called Activity Monitor.
If you do not like the Activity Monitor or you want to gather more information about your battery, these following apps would be helpful for you.
2] Battery Health 2

Battery Health 2 is an awesome app that you can use to find out several things including current charge, current max, original max, health status, battery cycles, battery age, manufacturer date, temperature, current usage, and more others. All these things are available in the free version. However, if you purchase the paid version, it will start collecting more historical data about your battery and you will get notification based on that. For example, if an app has started consuming more battery than usual, you will be notified. Just like that, there will be countless notifications so that you can make your battery healthy and problem-free. Talking about compatibility, you need OS X 10.7 or later version.
3] Battery Health – Monitor Stats

Battery Health has made by the same developer those made Battery Health 2. Although the user interface is pretty old, you can find all the features those are mandatory to make the battery stronger. Being said that, you will be able to find current charge level, battery capacity, power usage, number of times it has been charged and much more. It comes with a widget as well that will let you show all the important information under one roof. This app is available for free and you can download it from the Mac App Store.
4] Coconut Battery

Coconut Battery is probably the best tool you can download for free to check the health status of your MacBook’s battery. Not only just current battery percentage, but you can also find current charge info, full charge capacity, design capacity, model number, manufacturer date, battery charge cycle count, battery temperature and more others. The battery temperature is important and you should note that more often so that you can find whether your battery is dying or not. The best part about this tool is you can find all those information right from your iOS device. However, for that, you need to download an app on your iPhone.
5] Chargeberry Battery Monitor

Chargeberry Battery Monitor is a simple yet quite useful application to check the battery health without any problem. Being said that, you can find the following information-
- Monitor the condition of your battery
- See which apps consume your battery the most
- Get historical data on how you were using your battery
Like other standard apps, you will get notifications based on battery health. You will know when your battery is lasting quickly and so on. The best thing is you can get estimate battery life depending upon the type of activity. For example, you can check how much time you have if you use the internet, or watch movies or listen to music and so forth. Regarding the compatibility, you can download Chargeberry Battery Monitor on macOS 10.9 or later version.
6] iStat Menus

iStat Menus is yet another awesome tool that helps you find almost everything about your MacBook hardware. Being said that, you should know that iStat Menus is the most advanced app out there. From disk usage to battery consumption related information, you can find everything in this app. This is possible to monitor bandwidth usage, real-time view of temperatures, hard drive temperatures, fans, voltages, and more others. After installing this app, you can find a new icon in your status bar that you can use to find all those things mentioned above. The user interface looks pretty good and you should not have any problem using it to find a info. Although this app is available for free, you need to purchase it for $11.79 to unlock all the features those are mentioned in the aforementioned list.
That’s all! These are some of the best apps to improve the battery life of your MacBook.