
Windows Clipboard Guide: How to do Things with Windows Clipboard

Windows clipboard allows you to copy and store text, images, files and even folders temporarily in system memory, which can be used by other programs and applications. It acts as a scratchpad where you can save data from different applications and use them on other programs etc.

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Kill Windows Services, Running Programs and Open Windows With a Click And Restore them Later

Say you are working with a lot of open programs and Windows and need to shutdown the computer immediately. What if there was a utility which can save the status of all running programs, windows and processes and can resume them after a system restart?

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Windows Media Player Guide: 15 Tips and Tricks You may not Know

Play uncommon video formats e.g FLV, AVI, stream music from a Web URL and play online radio stations in Windows Media player. This guide includes tips and tricks to make the most out of Windows Media player

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How to Lock Opened Windows, Running Programs And Minimized Apps

There may be times when you would like to lock and password protect program windows, running applications or a document you are currently working on. Here is an example case scenario at office, where you may want to avoid get caught by colleagues, your boss or maybe someone whom you don’t trust. Example: You are

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Rotate desktop backgrounds automatically in XP using Microsoft’s own tool

On my previous article I’ve already explained how to rotate desktop backgrounds automatically in Windows 7. And I hope you also know that there are many 3rd party softwares that can perform this job for XP too. But did you know that Microsoft has their own tool to do this in XP and Vista?? Lets

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How to Encrypt and Decrypt Files in Windows With Password Protection

Encryption is the process of converting data into a format that cannot be read by others. You can use some cool tools to encrypt files in Windows so that others cannot access your sensitive data.

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How to make a Deleted File Unrecoverable

What happens when we delete files from our computer using the Shift+Delete command ?? Well most of us think that the file is completely removed. But in actual case it is not.  So what happens then ?? The files are allocated a space of memory in the physical hard drive every time we move it

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5 Free tools to Recover Hard Drive Space on Windows

Overtime your hard drive will be occupied by Junk files  that you do not need anyway. This may include huge torrents, Music,videos spread all over your system.Here are some free windows tools that lets you scan your hard drive for junk files and free hard drive space.

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Turn Off Auto Play on CD/DVD Drives and USB Storage in Windows XP and Windows7

Almost all versions of Windows operating system have a built in feature to automatically detect external storage e.g CD drives, DVD drives, removable USB storage or an external hard drive. Whenever you plug in a removable device, Windows starts scanning its files and pops in an autoplay dialog box. The auto play dialog box in Windows shows you a

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