Windows 8


Create portable version of apps in windows 8

Lets say that, you own more than one desktops that run on Windows 8, 8.1 or on some earlier versions. Now, it’s pretty obvious that you will go for portable Windows applications.Generally, we all do. Because, we all want to have the same library of apps on every windows machine we possess. Supporting this matter there

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OneNote for Mac and Windows

Microsoft’s OneNote, one of the most popular note taking app made a real and much awaited announcement recently. OneNote for Mac is now a reality and thankfully, without a single buck. Now, with this release, OneNote is available on every platform we care about like, Web, Handhelds and Laptops. Now,you can directly create, annotate, edit, save

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Make Your Own Windows 8 Installation Disk or bootable USB drive!

So you own the latest iteration of Microsoft’s greatest Operating System. Windows 8 has come in with the new ability to install or upgrade your machine to the same completely online. But that leaves some of you in a spot of bother. What if you did not have an internet connection stable enough to download

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Set up a Wi-Fi Hotspot on your Windows 8 machine – Command prompt and App Method

We have already covered on how you can set up a Wi-Fi hotspot on a Windows 7 machine. But with Windows 8, the option to set up a Wi-Fi hotspot is no more available. One of the useful networking features found on Windows 7 was quietly taken away in the newer offering. Not to worry, we

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Some Windows 8 Annoyances and Their Fixes

If you are a Windows 8 user then you must have faced some of these problems that I have listed below. I have tried to cover some fresh annoyances that Windows 8 throws on us and most importantly their possible fixes. There are more loose ends than it meets the eye and the only way

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How to Backup and Restore Windows 8 Apps Data

Backup and restore, these two actions are the most important when we deal with our precious information like data, documents, presentations, photos, eBooks and more. We are always 200% serious on taking a backup of our personal digitized data for future restoration in case of system failures. Windows 8 offers a new and dynamic set of backup and restoration

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Thinking for Upgrading to Windows 8? Rethink These Important points.

If you already tested Windows 8 consumer preview or the release Preview of Windows 8, then the final version (Windows 8 RTM i.e. release to manufacturers) is not going to make you wonder.There will be hardly any major difference between the release preview and commercial version of Windows 8. This will actually help you decide

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Does Windows 8 Pose A Threat To Parental Control Softwares?

Windows 8 is coming out with some new features, one of them is being set up as the newest arrival in the tech world to give parental control software a run for their money. Microsoft is bringing out the big guns for parents with greater control over what their kids do on the latest platform. The family safety feature can to an extent remove the need for additional PC monitoring software.

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How to Change The Number of App Tile Rows in Windows 8 Metro Start Screen

I have been using Windows 8 since Microsoft released their Consumer Preview and lately, switched to Release Preview of this new operating system with its signature and the most debatable Metro Start Screen. Common concept is that Windows 8 Metro Start Screen is ideally suited for touch screen devices and not so enjoyable with keyboard and

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Disable Windows 8 Metro Start Screen, Login And Lock Screen

Unlike Windows 7, Windows 8 takes more time to log you in and if your Windows 8 user account is protected by a local password or through your Windows live password, the procedure is 3 step. First, you are shown the Windows 8 lock screen, then the Windows 8 login screen and after you have keyed in

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Create, Organize and Label Groups of App Tiles in Windows 8 Metro Start Screen

What is the first thought that comes to you when you see Windows 8 Metro Start screen? Just a cool user interface, loaded with tiles of apps and programs you use frequently? There’s a little more to it. Personally, Windows 8 metro start screen is really amazing with its graphical intelligence. Still there are some

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Turn Off Windows 8 App Notifications To Avoid Distractions

Toaster Notifications in Windows 8 are cool, you get app updates live on your Metro start screen, desktop and elsewhere but at the same time, these notifications can be really distracting. Consider a scenario when you are watching a YouTube video or composing a blog post and the Windows 8 messaging app pops up an

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Use File History In Windows 8 To Backup And Restore Files And Folders On A Routine Basis

Not many users know that both Windows Vista and Windows 7 has a very useful “Previous versions” feature, which can be used to automatically backup files or folders on a scheduled interval and it is also possible to restore the backed up files to an earlier version using Windows built in backup/restore wizard. These earlier

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Bring Back The Classic Windows 7 Start Menu in Windows 8 Consumer Preview

If there is one thing which has been consistent in all versions of Windows, it is definitely the start button and start menu. From Windows 95 to Windows 7, Microsoft has improvised the start menu in great detail but the innocent start menu was never removed, until Windows 8 was born. In reality, the classic

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Add Shutdown and Restart Buttons On Windows 8 Metro Start Screen

Windows 8 has no classic start menu and thus, there is no easy way to shutdown or restart your computer the classical way. Of course there is a keyboard shortcut for that but novice users often do not remember these shortcuts and want easy ways to turn off the computer or restart it, using only their

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