
How To Manage Saved Passwords In Safari

How To Manage Saved Passwords In Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari

If you have saved a lot of passwords in any of these popular browsers and you want to manage all the saved passwords in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari do check out this article. Although it is not recommended to save the password anywhere in the browser, many people do it

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Apple Safari Logo

7 Best Apple Safari Tips and Tricks for Mac Users

Apple Safari has been developed by Apple and this is probably the best browser for Mac users since it can save a lot of battery. Considering the features, Safari seems to be the best option and alternative to Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox when it comes to Mac browser. It doesn’t matter whether you want

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Block content

How to Block Political Content in Safari for iOS

This is needless to mention how good iOS is and what makes it so useful. If you are using iOS and Safari for iOS and want to block political content, here is a solution. Generally, a vast majority of youth do not want to read political content. Or, suppose, you live in a country and

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Move Your Blogging To Your Browser with ScribeFire

Anyone who does any sort of regular blogging knows that there are benefits to using a piece of blogging software. The ability to work on a post without being restricted to your site’s back end give you the freedom to check references and take screenshots easily. Windows Live Writer is always a favorite of bloggers, but what if you are looking for something that is cross platform? If you are, then you should take a look at a browser plugin known as ScribeFire.

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