
Strikingly – Create Beautiful Sites Optimized for Mobile in less than 30 minutes!

Since the advent of the internet owning a website, either for Personal use or for Business, is a norm in today’s world. You can learn to develop your own site  using the various tools to host your website on the net, or use content management services (CMS) like WordPress, Drupal, etc that help you easily

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Padlet – Create Walls to Share Any Content on The Web

Two developers set out to democratize sharing of the content on the internet through a new startup called the Padlet. It started from the humble beginnings in the university surroundings, initially called the Wallshare. Very soon, to their surprise, around 80,000 active accounts were signed up and grew even faster. Today the startup is backed

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Add and Use GMail or Google Apps in Microsoft’s

Couple of months back Microsoft renovated their existing Hotmail service to Outlook. com. If your Gmail(Google Apps) handle stands important for branding or say you are too lazy to maintain multiple email addresses, Outlook will help you handle both emails from a single inbox and also, in the grand scheme of things, let you send emails from the branded Google Apps email ID. Let us see how you can do that.

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Contactually Actually Does A Great Job Sorting Emails Based On Contact Importance

Contactually is a web based contact management service that works with IMAP connected email accounts and integrates with CRM. It also helps you maintain relationships with contacts by reminding you to follow up with them based on their importance and what time they were last contacted.

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Sanebox Sanitizes Your Inbox That Gets Stuffed Insanely

SaneBox is a premium service that offers a brilliant way to handle email overload and clear the Inbox clutter. The service is compatible with Gmail, AOL, Yahoo, Apple, Outlook and many others.

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Create, Organize and Label Groups of App Tiles in Windows 8 Metro Start Screen

What is the first thought that comes to you when you see Windows 8 Metro Start screen? Just a cool user interface, loaded with tiles of apps and programs you use frequently? There’s a little more to it. Personally, Windows 8 metro start screen is really amazing with its graphical intelligence. Still there are some

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Get Windows Desktop On Your Android And iOS Tablets

Onlive, a service to play games over the cloud, now brings the Windows platform on your Android or iOS tablets. If you are on a vacation or just out of the office and need to send your boss a quick sales report for the last quarter, what would you do? True, there are lots of Android and iOS apps you can do that. However, you are going to miss the nice multi-functional Windows desktop at your office. Well no more. Here is a quick review of what and what not you can do with the new Onlive Desktop for tablets.

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5 Gmail Labs Features Worth Taking The Time To Try Out

Google’s sure got it going on when it comes to innovation. Look at Gmail, for existence.  They changed the way we look at email conversation!  If you didn’t already know, the Gmail team loves to come up with new features all the time.  Many features they release to a testing zone, called labs, where we

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All Of The Many Wonderful Things You Can Do With

Did you know there was a place you can find for free, buy and even share documents on the Internet? It’s almost like a community of people sharing documents for almost any need you can think. It’s called and there are many things you can do with and I’d like to share a few with you.

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A Complete Guide On Filtering RSS Feeds And Managing Information Overload In RSS Readers

Here is a complete guide on organizing your RSS reader, staying productive and managing information overload. You can filter keywords, blog posts and other unnecessary items from RSS feeds to block an overwhelming number of blog articles, every single day.

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GrindStone Helps You To Keep Track Of Time Spent On Different Tasks

Keeping track of time spent on various tasks is very important, because often times we get carried away from one task to another eventually messing the whole scenario and not completing any of the tasks at all.

There are web based apps like WorkFlowy, Teux Deux, ThoughtBoxes and Google Tasks but if you are looking for a free Windows program for task management, try Grindstone.

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Build Your Own Search Connector And Search The Web Within Windows Explorer

Windows 7 Search has a little known feature which you can use to search on popular search providers, websites from within Windows Explorer. Here is how you can configure it.

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Share USB Devices With Multiple Computers Connected Over A Network

USB to Ethernet Connector is an application that lets you share your USB devices across multiple PCs.

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Block Websites Using OpenDNS for Better Parental Control

No matter who you are, web-content moderation is a necessity to be safe while browsing. And here is how we can enable a proven web-content filtering for our network (office or home) with a simple DNS hack with OpenDNS.

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Top 7 Online Proofreading Tools for Documents

PaperRater is a free online tool that helps users to improve their writing skills. The real-time technology checks your essays right away for any grammatical errors. It also provides in-depth analysis of your writing style.

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