How to

Unlock your phone to open up the closed barriers of international calling

If you have ever traveled abroad, then you know the pain of paying all those extra bucks to your mobile phone carrier to whom your mobile is locked to. This is not a story worldwide, but a very common thing with folks coming from US, UK, Australia and some other countries where it is hard

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Install, Access WordPress Sites through Command Line with These Tools

I am an ardent hobbyist, when it comes to coding. Sometimes, it’s the hard way to make things rolling, but coders’ love to their work outweighs this hardness, every single time. Not success, learning new ways has been the sole motivation for them and will be. Sharing the same vision, I have always tried to

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How To: Remotely erase data From your device online

Personal data now a days is all digital. We all store our data in our beloved devices. We click pictures, take videos on our devices, share bits of personal information through files and folders. Not even personal, sometimes we have some secret data on our devices that is not supposed to get in hands of

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Images can carry your data too. Here’s how

In this all technological world, what is impossible is to stop innovations. Technology have taken us so far with its innovations and inventions that the world seems so much easier. Now-a-days almost anything is possible with just a click of a button. And in this fast emerging technologies, we deal with a lot sensitive data

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Convert and Share Files automatically using Dropbox

Dropbox is no doubt a popular service for storing and sharing files. While it isn’t the first one to provide online storage, it certainly was the first one to popularize it to such an extent. It’s extremely easy to use UI (without the need of a web browser) combined with availability for for Mac, Windows,

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Running out of Space? Change Onedrive Folder Location in Windows 8.1

Today, I will be sharing you about how to change OneDrive folder location in Windows 8.1. If you are one of the less geeky people like me and new to the term, then I must tell you that OneDrive is a cloud storage service mothered by Microsoft. Although, it’s not a million dollar question, still,

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Run Google Drive from USB- Portability Solution

There are more than one reason for using the portable versions of all the available applications we care for in our daily professional or academical life. For the most of us Google Drive tops the list. In this article I will walk you through the entire process by which you will be able to install

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How to Sign out Remotely from Gmail and All Google Accounts

This article heading seems awkward. Right? How to sign out remotely from Gmail? Why this is needed at all? Your questions are fair and justified. 200%. Just consider a situation that, last night when you were partying on your friend’s home, you just signed in to your personal Gmail account from his laptop to check

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Fix CD or DVD Drive Problems In No Time!

USB devices have slowly and gradually been killing the long established CD/DVD drives of our machines. However, many of us (that counts in millions) still employ the DVD drive to read and write our data/music/video’s etc. It still proves handy when the data needs to be shared or read on the spot and you are

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Control uTorrent Downloads From Another Computer

I have recently inculcated this habit of “remote control”. Control a computer and applications from another computer which are geographically separated from each other and not connected in the same network or internet connection. It works like this. Whenever I have a long queue of downloads that needs attention, I don’t download them right away.

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OS X Recovery, courtesy CNET

Create OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Recovery Disk on DVD or USB Drive

Previously we talked about how one can create a Windows 8 recovery disk on a DVD or USB drive. Here I will address the Apple users – how one can create a bootable recovery disk of the latest version of OS X – 10.8 Mountain Lion, on a USB drive or DVD.   Creating a recovery disk

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Search Better with these Tips And Tricks for Google Search

In our post sometime back, we mentioned the various ways you power your search in Bing. But how about powering your search through something as ubiquitous yet powerful as  Google Search? From the time of its inception, Google has been known to employ a variety of tricks to help users get the relevant search results.

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How to Forward Facebook Messages To Gmail Or Other Email Accounts

Do you know that you can forward Facebook messages to Gmail and other email accounts, just like you forward regular email messages? You can move entire facebook conversations to your email account and archive it there, or you can forward a Facebook conversation to any email address of your choice. Now before I describe the

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How to Disable Facebook Notifications on Android

I often get nagged by frequent Facebook notifications which always keep my Android shouting at me. Every time, when I try to concentrate hard on a serious office matter, these notifications continue to make my Android dance on my office table. It just kills all peace and more importantly, the attention. The result? I have finally decided to

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Get Facebook Chats and Video Calls On Skype

I am not a big fan of instant messaging clients such as Google Talk, Skype and Facebook messenger, because I feel that IM clients are a real distraction and takes the focus away from work. But there are times when you can’t help but use an IM client to stay in touch with co-workers, colleagues

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