Desktop tools

VLC Player Is a Lot Easier To Use With These Keyboard Shortcuts

Are you a VLC player user? Well if you are using a Windows PC, I can easily say that more than 90% of you people are. But if you aren’t, I would recommend you to become one right now. VLC Player is by far the best Media Player the industry have ever come across. It

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Save And Restore Your Work In Virtual Box Using Snapshots

Virtual Box is a great tool that comes handy when you have a little guy in you that loves to tinker around with new Operating Systems, or even if you do your work around in it. But believe me Virtual Box is way more than just installing Operating systems. It packs a bunch of features

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Run C/C++ on Windows 7 and Windows 8 without VMWare

Well, if you want to be programmer like me(am not a “programmer” yet, just an aspiring one) then at some point you might feel the need to run programs built in C/C++ on Windows 7/8. These two Operating systems are the most popular ones (Since Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft, and Vista

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How To: Remotely erase data From your device online

Personal data now a days is all digital. We all store our data in our beloved devices. We click pictures, take videos on our devices, share bits of personal information through files and folders. Not even personal, sometimes we have some secret data on our devices that is not supposed to get in hands of

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How to Merge Multiple PDF Files Into One

How to Merge Multiple PDF Files Into One

Do you have multiple PDF files on your computer that you would prefer to have as a single file? Maybe you have an eBook, documents, course materials, or something else that is separated into many PDF files. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to view them all as a single file? It would also make your

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Hibernate And Sleep Modes In Windows – Differences And Using Desktop Shortcuts

A lot of users confuse the concept of hibernation and sleep mode in Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Some people think that they are exactly the same thing with different names. Let me tell you that the sleep mode and hibernate mode in Windows are two different processes with different functions. There are

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Remotely Control Your PC Using Just A Browser

LogMeIn is a free tool that lets you access your computer even from a distant place just using a browser. All you need is a good internet connection on both the computers.

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Create Sticky Notes From Desktop and Send them to Twitter, Facebook or Email

Working with notes can be fun as well as productive, when you have lots of things to remember and you want an easy way to create sticky notes for important tasks. When it comes to Sticky notes, my friends call me a “Power User”; because I have the habit of noting down each and every

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How to Sync Bookmarks between Firefox, Chrome and Other Browsers Automatically

Google chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet explorer- These are some (if not all) of the browsers that we use nowadays. The problem with using multiple browsers is that you have to manually export the bookmarks of one browser in to the another, which becomes impossible after some time.

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3 ways to Manage WordPress Comments from Desktop

If you get a large number of comments in your WordPress blog you would prefer using a desktop tool to moderate WordPress comments. Here are some tools that let you approve, deny and delete the comments of your WordPress blog from desktop, without requiring the browser.

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5 Best Screen Capture Tools to Take and Share Screenshots

It is much easier to take a screenshot with the best screen capture tool than browse the entire internet for finding an appropriate image for your project. Whether you are working on a Windows operating system or a macOS, there are pre-defined shortcuts like – Pressing the PrtSc key on your Windows PC or laptop. This

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