
Make your Blog Printer Friendly : Code and CSS for Printing a Webpage

It is a good practice to make your blog printer Friendly. Regular readers visiting your blog may wish to print some of your articles and it is advisable to use a separate stylesheet for print purposes. This article describes how to create a printer friendly blog by using a separate print.css file.

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Blogging platforms that lets you blog from your Phone

Most of the times we bloggers find it difficult to blog due to insufficiency of resources like computer or an internet connection. But our readers are always hungry for posts and if we fail they may lose trust & in turn we may lose them too. Its like a nightmare to a blogger to lose

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How to Completely Back up Your Blog in WordPress and Blogger

Back up is an important job every blogger or webmaster is concerned about. In case of a disaster, only a backup can save you and reinstate your site. Learn how you can completely back up your blogs in WordPress and Blogger.

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How to Install a Local WordPress Blog and Transfer it in Web Server

You can install a local WordPress blog in your computer for various testing purposes. Using the local blog you can create new themes, plugins and perform other experiments. Here is a detailed guide on how to transfer the local WordPress blog in your web server with the same preferences, posts, plugins and themes.

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3 ways to Manage WordPress Comments from Desktop

If you get a large number of comments in your WordPress blog you would prefer using a desktop tool to moderate WordPress comments. Here are some tools that let you approve, deny and delete the comments of your WordPress blog from desktop, without requiring the browser.

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How to use Google Docs as a Blogging Tool and Post Blog Entries

Windows Live writer is by far the best blog editor but do you know that you can use Google docs as a blog editor and post blog entries directly from Google docs.

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An Interview with Raju of Technically Personal

Today we have with us Raju of Technically Personal. Technically Personal is a popular technology blog on web apps, online tools and useful software tips. With more than 3000 rss subscribers, TechPP has also been featured in CHIP magazine, a popular Technology magazine in India.

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An Interview With Kevin Muldoon From Blogging Tips

Kevin Muldoon is the man behind – a popular blog on blogging tips,news and resources for bloggers.Kevin has been blogging since 2000 and has an established company named System 0.Apart from Blogging at he also runs a WordPress theme Website at Blogthemesclub,where he sells premium WordPress themes at an affordable price.

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WordPress Post Slugs : How to improve your Article URLS ?

Apart from the title of a page, content quality, links and social signals, the URL of a page plays an important role in the search engine optimization of a webpage. Whether you have a business website or a blog, you should choose meaningful URL’s for the pages of your site. The words used in a

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WordPress permalinks FAQ : Your Guide to choosing the right Permalink Structure

Time and again many people have asked me the same  Question over email and i thought  why Not write a Blog entry clearly describing about the best permalink Structure In wordpress.

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Create an XML Sitemap for WordPress , Blogger and Static Websites

XML sitemaps are particularly useful when you want to inform the search engines about when your site has new content and when should the bots visit your site for Newer and Undiscovered pages. Learn how you can create a Sitemap for blogger, WordPress or Static websites. Before you read on here are some Frequently asked

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Learn to generate new post ideas when you don’t have one

We write a lot & more importantly our readers read a lot. They are always looking for something fresh, something meaningful. Even big bloggers of our times find it hard sometimes to carry on writing. They also fall short of ideas to write about. But we can’t stop writing, because there are millions waiting to

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9 Things to do “ When there is Nothing to Blog About “

Every Blogger has to face this Sometime in their career. You run Out of ideas and the words don’t just come out. What do you do when you run out of ideas for your blog posts ?

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Basic On-page SEO Best Practices for new WordPress Blogs

Well there is always a start for anyone. Be it a first day at your job or be it a first date. The rule also applies for blogging too. So if you are new blogger, welcome to this world of mystery & get drenched in the endless rain of resources, created & showered 24X7. Well

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9 ways to Find Unregistered and Interesting Domain Names

Looking for  new Domain Names ? See Unregistered Domain names and register Them Straight away !

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