
Test How Your Website Looks In An iPhone, iPad And Mobile Devices From A Desktop Computer

Ever wondered how your website or blog looks in an iPhone or Apple iPad? Do you want to find how your website looks in a smartphone or whether the mobile friendly theme of your site renders properly on tablet computers or not? Consumer electronics is growing rapidly among web users and these devices now constitute

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Mozilla’s Browser ID Login System – One Username And Password is All You Have To Remember

There are dozens of websites which you use on a daily basis. You have email accounts, social profiles, blogs, RSS reader, YouTube and so many different websites to use but the biggest problem with all these websites is that you have to remember a different username and password for each of them. Sure, there are

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Different Types of HTTP Status Codes Explained In Layman’s Term

Here is a list of different types of HTTP status codes and the meaning of server headers. Know the meaning and purpose of HTTP status codes and check the http server headers of all internal pages of your site. HTTP status codes can impact search engine optimization of your site in some cases so it is important on the part of any webmaster to know a thing or two about HTTP status codes.

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Improve The Indexing Of Your Website’s Recently Updated Pages Using Fetch As GoogleBot In Google Webmaster Tools

Google has a lot of different ways to discover content on the web. Googlebot (Google’s web spider) crawls billions of websites on a regular basis to crawl and chew textual content, images, videos and other document formats (e.g PDF, DOC) embedded in websites. This process can be extremely fast for popular sites who post a

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Google Page Speed Service Promises To Improve your Site’s Loading Time

The loading time of a website is one of the critical factors which determines how useful and usable a website is. Web users are pretty savvy these days, they want their answers as fast as possible and in fewer clicks. If your website takes ages to load on the clients browser, its common sense that

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WordPress Tip – Find All Pages of Your Site Which Don’t Have a Meta Description or Title Tag

Title tags and meta description are  two HTML elements which play a huge role in determining the success of a website, as far as search engine optimization is concerned. Search engines display your optimized title tag and a short description snippet on search result pages, so its very important to ensure that every page on

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A Guide On Adding Support For Authorship Markup In Your WordPress Blog

This tutorial shows you how to add support for rel=”author” in Wordpress and let search engines find the real author of a content page on your website.

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Plus One Stats In Google Webmaster Tools And Google Analytics

The other day Google took the web by a storm, releasing their latest social networking site – Google Plus. Google plus has received mixed reactions and most of the people in my circle have doubts whether it can really beat Facebook in the coming months. There is also some good news for website owners and

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Using WordPress Custom Fields to Show HTML Codes On Specific Pages Of Your Site

WordPress as a content management system offers many possibilities on how you want your site’s structure to be built and how you want content to be shown on different pages of your site. The best thing regarding WordPress is that you need to edit a file only once and the changes will get reflected across

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A Complete Guide On Using Amazon S3 As a Content Delivery Network For Your Website

This tutorial shows all the steps required to host the images and other static components of your website on Amazon S3 servers. The advantage here is that the customized CDN improves the overall loading time of your website.

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YouTube Launches Social Pages For Websites, And Here Is Your Guide For Optimizing Video Content For Search Engines

Here are some tips on doing search engine optimization for online videos and how you can ensure that search engines and video syndicating websites can find embedded videos on your blog

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Remove Unnecessary Codes From The Head Section of Your WordPress Theme

The following tips are applicable for both self hosted WordPress blogs and blogs that are hosted on’s free blogging platform. If you have a blog or a website powered by WordPress content management system, you might have noticed some lines of code before the </ head> section of your website’s WordPress theme. While some

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Problems Adding YouTube Video in WordPress Posts ?

The visual post editor of WordPress is not very good in handling embed codes of web videos that are hosted on video sharing websites like YouTube, DailyMotion,, Vimeo or MySpace. While every video site provides it’s own embed code for videos, which needs to be pasted in the HTML source of a blog post

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Which Twitter Profiles Are Sending Maximum Traffic To Your Site ? Find Out With the New Google Analytics

If you do a lot of social media marketing on Twitter which may include sharing your pillar articles, promoting linkbait posts or generating the “Buzz”, you should also spare some time analyzing the traffic your website gets from Twitter and how well the intended audience engage with your content or service.

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WordPress Image Attachment Pages Can Sometimes Hurt Your Site’s SEO

If you have a blog powered by the WordPress blogging platform, read this. WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platform and content management systems, which powers millions of blogs and websites. If you have a web server and want to start your own self hosted blog, nothing is as easy and as customizable

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