Remove Duplicate Values In An Excel Spreadeet Using Filters And Conditional Formatting
This tutorial shows how you can remove duplicate values from an excel row or column using custom filters and Excel’s conditional formatting. The conditional formatting can be applied to Google Docs documents too.
Read moreDropico Lets You Upload And Share Images Across Multiple Social Sites
Dropico is a simple web service which lets you batch upload photos to multiple social networks by a simple drag and drop. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, MySpace, Picasa, Photobucket, FourSquare and so on
Read moreGoogle Docs is one of the best online office suites available till date – you can upload office documents, photos, PDF’s , spreadsheets and possible any other file on your Google Docs account. There are dozens of third party Google Docs tools, so managing the uploaded files on Google Docs from desktop or from an office application is not a problem anymore.
The good news is that Google Docs has now added support for uploading video files to your Google Docs account.
Read moreImagine you are out on a morning jog with an MP3 player, listening to music and stretching your legs. What if you can simply tap your fingers to change the music, pause the song or play the next item in the playlist ? Skinput makes it possible.
Read moreFormaly lets you create a customized contact us page for your blog or website without having to use any plugin. The contact us page may contain your recent social media updates, street directions to your office, branches and provides visitor insights too
Read moreGone are the days when there were hardly any options to enhance the features of a picture. Today, the scenario is quite different. With time, many technological innovations have surfaced with the help of which we can easily add effects to pictures. Here the top 10 online tools that you can try out if you
Read moreThere are times when you may want to delete temporary files from your computer. Whenever, you install new programs and applications – Windows stores temporary files in your computer’s hard drive that are required for the installation of the software program. When the program has finished installing, these temporary files are no longer required and
Read moreWhat is an IP address? An IP address or better known as Internet Protocol address is nothing but a numerical label assigned to any computer or mobile device which is participating in a computer network using the Internet protocol for communication. Whenever you connect your PC or mobile to any network connection, it is assigned
Read moreReader question: Jessica from LA asks: How to delete a Facebook photo album? I do not see any link which can completely delete an album from my Facebook profile. I can certainly delete all the photos of an album one by one, but is their any easier method? I do not want to use any
Read moreFacebook Profile Image Trick: Give An Attractive Look To Your Facebook Profile
Here is an awesome hack using which you can customize your Facebook profile image and a group of self tagged photos to get an innovative Facebook profile look.
Read moreIt’s holiday time and you must be looking forward to some holiday gifts from friends and relatives. It would be a good idea to spice up your desktop and computer with some neat desktop wallpapers, Windows7 themes, icon packs and Fonts – made especially for Christmas. You can surprise your friends, family members, spouse and
Read moreEmoticons are being used everywhere, whether it’s for writing a message on your phone, typing a social message, or for an email. In fact, we can call these miniature symbols a new language altogether that helps in expressing your feelings more clearly. They help to convey the right kind of emotions, something that is difficult to
Read moreHere is a collection of useful Dropbox apps, extensions and tools which you can use for a variety of creative purposes.
Read moreThere is no end to this long run debate among bloggers. Which is more influential – Social Media or Search ? Which medium of traffic converts the most and whether social media links have any significant influence on search ranks and search traffic ? After blogging around for two years, I have arrived to the
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