Let’s You Stream Videos To Any Browser Or Mobile Device Without Manual Transcoding

When you stream your videos through, the service provides you a single URL for the video (i.e there is no separate optimized version for the iPhone or for tablets, for example).

The service automatically detects the type of the device which is requesting your video and delivers the correct optimized video format for that particular device.

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Add a Mini GrooveShark Player To Google Chrome : Control Playlists From Any Tab

One of the problems with Grooveshark is that you have to keep Grooveshark running in a browser tab. If you have the habit of working with multiple browser tabs and use more than 20 tabs at any given point of time, finding that particular Grooveshark window can be a hassle.

SharkZapper is a Chrome extension which lets you control Grooveshark player from any open tab of Google Chrome.

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How To Install A Program Using Compatibility Mode In Windows 7

How to make use of the Compatibility Mode in Windows 7 to run your legacy applications.

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5 Best Online File Conversion Tools To Convert Files From One Format To Another

Converting files from one format to another can be a really tiring procedure. With dozens of audio, video, document and media formats popping up every other day – downloading a file converter for each one of them is certainly not recommended.

Following is a list of some of the best free online file converting tools which let’s you convert audio, video, documents, images and archive files from one format to another. All of these file converters are free to use, absolutely no strings attached.

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Using Windows 7 Task Scheduler – Run Programs At A Specific Time

There are some common Windows tasks which needs to be executed at scheduled intervals. If you want Windows to work properly and always strive for a faster system performance, you will have to run backups, use disk cleanup and disk defragmentation.

This article discusses how you can use Windows task scheduler to automate common system jobs and run them at specific time or day of the week.

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Easily Unsubscribe From All Facebook Groups And Prevent People From Adding You To A Facebook Group

The most annoying thing regarding Facebook groups is that you can’t choose any settings from “Privacy” or “Account”. Yes, you can disable email notifications from Facebook groups but you can’t prevent your Facebook friends from adding you to a particular Facebook group they create or in which they are a member.

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How To Reduce Printing Costs Of Office Documents – Save Ink And Paper

Do you print a lot of documents and spend a good amount of money every month on paper and ink cartridges?

If your organization demands working on “paper documents”, the overall printing and paper costs can sum up to a huge amount. The following tips will help you reduce printing costs of office documents, excel spreadsheets, web pages and save money from buying print cartridges frequently.

Read more Enables Easy Search Of Twitter, Facebook And Delicious Links lets you search links shared on Facebook, Twitter & Delicious. The web app aggregates all the links you shared on social media and lets you search them from a browser.

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XPUD: A Mini Operating System That Runs From Your USB Stick

XPUD is a 64 MB tiny operating system which can run directly from a USB drive or any other removable storage. You can carry this OS on a USB stick and use it on any computer you want

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Find The Range And Network Coverage Of Your Wireless Network Connection

While using a wireless connection, often times you might have seen that the wireless signal strength is very low. Either the distance between your computer and the Wireless router is too high or there are too many interferences between your computer and the wireless network.

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Generate One Time Passwords For Your WordPress Blog – Prevent Keylogging Attacks On Public Computers

Imagine this – you are working from a public computer and need to login to your WordPress blog for urgent reasons. You don’t trust the public computer on the internet parlor because there are chances that the system administrator has installed a keylogger program for tracking keystrokes, user names and passwods. You may use the

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Add Language Translation To Your Website Using Google Translate AJAX API

Google Translate is certainly the best online translation tools and provides fairly accurate translation of your blog’s articles. Visitors and readers from non English speaking countries can use the translation widget and read your site’s articles in their own language.

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Use System File Checker to Repair Missing or Corrupt Files in Windows 7

Did it happen to you that your computer failed to boot properly or after boot it flashed some warning message saying that your computer is missing some system file ?

One of the reasons for Windows boot failure could be that some of the system files of Windows got corrupted due to hardware failure or other unknown reasons. The situation becomes worse if your computer automatically restarts and you lose all your unsaved data on the primary Windows partition.

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GrindStone Helps You To Keep Track Of Time Spent On Different Tasks

Keeping track of time spent on various tasks is very important, because often times we get carried away from one task to another eventually messing the whole scenario and not completing any of the tasks at all.

There are web based apps like WorkFlowy, Teux Deux, ThoughtBoxes and Google Tasks but if you are looking for a free Windows program for task management, try Grindstone.

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Keyboard Shortcuts Of Facebook That Save You Time

There are browser extensions that display keyboard shortcuts on any webpage, but the following key combination’s for Facebook will work independently on any browser, without having to install any userscript or browser plugin.

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