Split Large Folders Into Smaller Subfolders And Make File Management A Breeze

Managing large folders which contain thousands of different files in not an easy job. If you are a regular web worker and have to deal with email attachments, press reports, software downloads and other important files on a daily basis, you know how difficult it is to manage different file types kept in a single

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Restrict Access To Specific Android Apps With Android Parental Control

The one thing I don’t like about my Android smart phone is its liberal and open nature towards apps. My friends sometime take the phone to play games, watch videos or surf Facebook but I don’t want them to open my Gmail app or use the Twitter app on my Android device. Sure I can

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Keep Your Real Email Address Hidden From Facebook Applications And Games

Facebook, apart from being a hugely popular social networking platform is often used as a user authentication system in thousands of games, applications and web based apps. App developers and gaming sites prefer using Facebook as a login authentication system because it makes life easy for the user and doesn’t require them to create an

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Follow Lyrics Of Your Favorite Numbers While You Listen To Them

If are someone like me, who believes the charm in a song is incomplete until you understand every word of it, follow this simple steps to show lyrics of songs on your music player while playing your favorite numbers.

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Adding Authorship Markup On Your Website Using Special Anchors And URL Parameters

You might know that Google has recently launched an authorship markup tag which attempts to recognize original authors writing a piece of content. By using authorship markup on your blog, you can tell Google that you are the original author who has written this content. This helps cut the clutter from spammers, auto posters and

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How To Bulk Upload Photos And Videos To Your Facebook Account From Android

The default Android app of Facebook is great but it has some limitations, as far bulk photo and video uploads are concerned. You can’t upload multiple photos to your Facebook account from Android in one shot. You have to tap the camera icon, select the photo which is to be uploaded, upload the photo to

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Test How Your Website Looks In An iPhone, iPad And Mobile Devices From A Desktop Computer

Ever wondered how your website or blog looks in an iPhone or Apple iPad? Do you want to find how your website looks in a smartphone or whether the mobile friendly theme of your site renders properly on tablet computers or not? Consumer electronics is growing rapidly among web users and these devices now constitute

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Having Problems Connecting Your Android To Home Wi-Fi Router? Troubleshoot Your Android For Proper Internet Connectivity

Are you having problems connecting your Android phone to the home Wi-Fi internet connection? Does the wireless network connection at your office drops frequently and your phone is unable to connect to the wireless Wi-Fi connection? This tutorial will help you troubleshoot network connection preferences in an Android phone or tablet device. Step 1: First

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Mozilla’s Browser ID Login System – One Username And Password is All You Have To Remember

There are dozens of websites which you use on a daily basis. You have email accounts, social profiles, blogs, RSS reader, YouTube and so many different websites to use but the biggest problem with all these websites is that you have to remember a different username and password for each of them. Sure, there are

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Different Types of HTTP Status Codes Explained In Layman’s Term

Here is a list of different types of HTTP status codes and the meaning of server headers. Know the meaning and purpose of HTTP status codes and check the http server headers of all internal pages of your site. HTTP status codes can impact search engine optimization of your site in some cases so it is important on the part of any webmaster to know a thing or two about HTTP status codes.

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Have a Thousand Friends on Facebook? Use This App To Automatically Create Facebook Friend Lists

Learn how you can create Facebook friend lists and how to share posts and updates with specific group of friends on Facebook. Have a large number of friends on Facebook> Use this app to automatically group them into meaningful friend lists.

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Improve The Indexing Of Your Website’s Recently Updated Pages Using Fetch As GoogleBot In Google Webmaster Tools

Google has a lot of different ways to discover content on the web. Googlebot (Google’s web spider) crawls billions of websites on a regular basis to crawl and chew textual content, images, videos and other document formats (e.g PDF, DOC) embedded in websites. This process can be extremely fast for popular sites who post a

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Using Facebook, Twitter And Google Plus From A Single Browser Tab – A Complete Guide

This Google Chrome Extension lets you manage your Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter accounts – all from one place. Post Status updates on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus from your Google Plus account

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Google Page Speed Service Promises To Improve your Site’s Loading Time

The loading time of a website is one of the critical factors which determines how useful and usable a website is. Web users are pretty savvy these days, they want their answers as fast as possible and in fewer clicks. If your website takes ages to load on the clients browser, its common sense that

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7 Power Tips Which Will Save Your Time Spent On Checking Email

Do you spend a lot of time checking your email inbox? Do you have the habit of checking your email accounts every half an hour? Here are some tips which will help you save your valuable time spent on checkinh email every single day and focus more on the work that really matters.

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