10 Myths and Facts About Twitter

Different people have different believes and when it comes to Twitter, many people have strange concepts.

When I started using Twitter a year back, I used to think it as a big chat room with useless discussions. Today, the situation has completely taken a turn and I spent a good amount of time on Twitter everyday.

Part of my time goes in networking with friends and followers while a good amount of time goes on searching for interesting and breaking content. I don’t tweet a lot, but yes I have my eyes on the timeline. (@amit_banerjee)

Here is a wonderful presentation about Twitter myths and facts and what common people believe twitter to be like:

The transcript of the above presentation is as follows:

Myth1: Twitter isn’t meant for me

Fact: Well why not ? Using Twìtter is easy. Originally meant to be micro ­blogging tool, Twitter has grown into this multi­purpose platform. A platform that can be used for sharing information, for building a network, for communicating and for doing the craziest of things. The possibilities are endless.

Myth #2: Twitter is a waste of Time

Fact: Twitter is not a waste of time, you have to master the technique to use it properly. How much time does it requires to start a conversation on Twitter? Half a minute, because you have to type only 140 characters !

You have to be responsible to use Twitter properly, it’s foolish to shout a day and then disappear for the whole month.

Myth#3: There is a Right Way to Use Twitter, (which I don’t know)

Fact:  No there isn’t. What works magical for one person or business can prove to be disastrous for another. You have to find your own rhythm and voice, which will emerge overtime.

Myth #4: Twitter Will Solve All my problems

Fact: No it won’t. Well if it could, then there would be only one website alive.

Myth #5: Twitter is a Big Chat Room

Fact: Only partially true. If you use Twitter to connect with your friends and stay in touch, yes it’s kind of a Chatroom. But if you own a business, a company, a blog or a network of like minded people, Twitter is way more than just a chat room. It’s an information system which works the same way you want it to work.

Myth #6: A Tweet is just like a Facebook Status Update

Fact: Twitter is a great place to connect with people whom you have never met while Facebook is a place to reconnect with your friends whom you have forgotten. A Facebook Status update is not searchable while Tweets can be searched from search.twitter.com

Myth #7:  I don’t have any Friends on Twitter

Fact: You don’t have friends but there must be something in this world which you love to do. Find people who tweet about these things and follow them, join the conversation. You can be anonymous and have fun at he same time.

Myth#8: The Larger the Followers, The Greater the Influence

Fact: Wrong! Having thousands of Followers will have an echo effect if they don’t care about what you tweet and never interact with you or promote (retweet) your links. Instead, stick to a a manageable number of followers and interact with people to grow your network

Myth #9: Making Money from Twitter is so easy:

Fact: You can generate sales and customers from twitter but there isn’t a direct way of making money with Twitter

Presentation courtesy: EffectWorks

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