How to Fix Class not Registered Error in Google Chrome?

Are you getting class not registered error when you try to open Google Chrome? Then, you should read this article.

The error can happen due to multiple reasons. Corrupted DLL files and registry entries result in such issues. Don’t worry! Here, in this article, we will address the issue as a whole and give you the complete solutions.

Fix Class not Registered Error in Chrome

You might not know what the cause of the error is. So, you should try multiple solutions. I will provide you with the solution that worked for many at first. In case it doesn’t do the trick for you, moving on to the next is what you should do.

Delete Some Registry Keys

Deleting some registry keys related to Chome did the trick for many. You can do it in two different ways; from the Registry Editor itself or via CMD.

Let me show you how to delete them from registry editor.

Step 1: Open the Run dialogue box by hitting Win key+ R. Then, you should enter regedit into the text field you see.

Step 2: Once you get there, you have to locate the following and delete all of them.


HKLM\Software\Classes\Chrome (all of it)

HKCU\Software\Classes\Chrome (all of it)



Make sure you delete all of them.

Step 3: When you finish with it, restart the computer.

There you go! Open Chrome and see whether the error still persists.

If you don’t want to wander around the registry editor locating what I gave above, you can do it from command prompt. Follow the steps given below to do that.

Step 1: Hit the start button and search for CMD. You will get command prompt.

Step 2: Right-click on it and hit Run as Administrator. You may be asked to provide admin privileges. Hit Yes.

Step 3: When you see the CMD screen, enter the following commands into it.


REG DELETE HKLM\Software\Classes\Chrome

REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Classes\Chrome

REG DELETE HKLM\Software\Classes\ChromeHTML\open\command\DelegateExecute

REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Classes\ChromeHTML\open\command\DelegateExecute

Step 4: That’s it. Now, you can restart the computer.

Directly Launch Google Chrome using a BAT File without the Class not Registered Error

You are still reading this article. That means the above solution didn’t fix your issue. What we are going to do here is creating a .bat file that includes the command to run Google Chrome.

Step 1: You have to open a text editor first. Notepad is the best.

Step 2: Enter the following command into the Notepad window.

start /d “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\” chrome.exe

Don’t forget to change the location if you installed Chrome into a different directory.

Step 3: Now, save it in the format filename.bat (chrome.bat for example).

Whenever you want to open Google Chrome, use the bat file instead of the direct shortcut.

Reregister All the DLL Files

As you read earlier in the article, DLL files also cause class not registered error of Google Chrome. You can reregister all DLL files to eliminate this issue.

All you have to do is executing the following command on Command Prompt.

FOR /R C:\ %G IN (*.dll) DO “%systemroot%\system32\regsvr32.exe” /s “%G”

You may get some runtime errors. And, it is possible for the computer to go slow as well. Once all the DLL files are reregistered, you should restart your computer.

Wrapping Up

You have got multiple solutions to eliminate class not registered error now. Do you still have the problem? Or do you know any other methods? Don’t forget to leave a comment below.

I hope you share this article with your social media friends.

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