TED Notepad Is An Awesome Notepad Replacement Program For Windows

Windows default notepad is great for normal use but if you write a lot of codes and need a better notepad replacement for Windows, TED notepad might be worth checking out.

TED Notepad is an awesome lightweight notepad application for Windows which is surely the best friend of any programmer, coder or even a web designer. Whenever you’re writing code for the web or even writing a program segment in programming languages, you need at least 4 features in the code editor

1. Indentation and proper mark up
2. The ability to reuse codes as and when required
3. Syntax highlighting and proper sorting
4. Search and replace codes and store bulk segments for later use.

I have been using Microsoft Frontpage as my default HTML editor application for years but looking at TED notepad, I think I will make a switch.

Better Windows Notepad - more features

Here are some nifty features of TED notepad which makes it one of the best code diting application and notepad replacement for Windows

Multiple Clipboards – Store Codes And Data For Later Use

Wrote a code but don’t want to use it at the moment ? TED Notepad offers an impressive Clipboard storage which can be used to save text, data in the local clipboard. You can use up to 12 clipboards at any given point of time and save multiple text notes as and when required. This is especially useful when you’re working on multiple text files and need to store a portion of data elsewhere or reuse it in the current notepad window again and again. There is no need to copy paste the clipboard data across multiple files, TED notepad’s built in code clipboard handles it all

Note: You might also want to check out our previous guide on Windows clipboard tips and tricks

Import Multiple text Files In a Single Text File Without Opening Them

TED Notepad lets you include or merge multiple text files without having to open them in separate windows, copy text and paste them in the current document. To merge or import data from another text, HTML, XML file, all you need to do is select “Tools> Include File” and browse to the file location.

Merge or append text data in a text file

That is all, the program will append all the content of the file to your current document. You can always exclude portion of a code or text and export it to a new file, without having to open another window, paste the text and save it – like we usually do with the default Windows notepad application.

Easy Case Conversions

Ever encountered a text document which is written randomly in Upper case and lower case characters ? In other HTML editors, you have to select the portion of mixed characters repeatedly and convert uppercase to lowercase or vice versa. TED notepad lets you convert mixed case characters to all lowercase, all uppercase, camel casing, word capitals and case inversion.

This is a lifesaver for anyone who wants to convert a mixed case word document to proper sentence casing and then reuse the text adhereing to proper syntax and grammar.

Advanced Search And Filtering Of Text

This is probably the biggest advantage of using a professional notepad editing application.

TED notepad offers a whole bunch of text filtering, search and replace options which is far beyond the features of Windows default notepad. Apart from searching and replacing text, you can jump to the selected text and copy it with a keyboard shortcut.

Filtering text in notepad

There is also a “Find later” option which allows you to store the selected text in one of the clipboards, so that you can find multiple segments of text randomly.

Moreover, the app makes it easy to keep the notepad always on top and visible; so you don’t have to minimize and maximize the code editor over and over again.

It’s Portable And Can Replace Windows Notepad

TED Notepad is a portable notepad application which can be run from a USB thumb drive or from your computer’s hard disk, without having to install anything or change Windows registry. So before you decide to replace Windows code editor or notepad with this one, drop a copy in a USB stick and test out the features yourself. Also read: portable productivity applications for Windows

To replace Windows notepad with TED Notepad, follow the instructions here

TED Notepad is a minimalist text editor for Windows, provides a clutter free user interface – there are no toolbars, ugly looking gadgets and unnecessary sidebars. The program works with all versions of Windows and is free to download.




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